Henny Penny FlexFusion Space$aver™ Plus model FSE 610 electric combi oven, designed to cook with steaming/moist heat, convection/dry heat, or a combination of dry and moist heat, and holding up to 5 full-size steam table pans 2.5 in (65 mm) or 6 half-size sheet pans 1 in (25 mm) pans or grids on removable tilt-resistant rails.
Unit shall incorporate:
- Chef’s Touch Control System featuring protected full-color capacitive touch screen with automatic and manual cooking capability, ClimaSelect Plus humidity control and designated pre-loaded apps
- Boilerless DynaSteam2 Technology with precise humidity generation and heat exchange
- Variable speed, auto reverse fan that moves air in alternating directions for more even heating
- Automated WaveClean® self-cleaning system
- Seamless stainless steel cooking chamber, full perimeter door seal and triple-pane glass for energy efficiency
- Cabinet interior: 316S11 stainless steel
- Cabinet exterior: 1 mm stainless steel